Law and Order

Heres some of the basic rules before you join are crew as well as the copyright laws and such!


you can use our characters for fan-art however any distribution of art shall be punished by law, unless contacted by one of us!

All creations are reserved for the original creator. As well as any rights to the characters or storytelling to the creator. Any creation the creator makes however they may not do the following unless permitted to:

No supporting Racism.

No Anti Lgbtq art unless it is part of the story where the character has to overcome that problem.

No oversexualized content. Some sexual content is fine

No Nude Minors On drawings unless covered with clothes or censored in some way OR ask permission if it's ok and we will review what the context is. 

No promoting hardcore drugs premotion to weed or tobacco is fine as long as it has the waring label 

Religion is fine we allow it as long as its a reference and follows the source 

Have Fun