What is a Spark Starter?

1. The Sunshine Spreaders - Teachers who spread joy and positivity.

2. The Courageous - The teachers who step out of their comfort zone without fear of failure.

3. The Encouragers - The teachers who inspire with courage, spirit, and confidence.

4. The Innovators -The teachers who seek new and/or better ideas.

When you combine these qualities together, it lights a spark that sparkles with passion and enthusiasm. As Tisha Richmond would say, "We can have the techiest tools and most innovative ideas in the world, but the fire for innovation won’t start without a spark."

Spark Starters are filled with passion; a passion that is contagious. A fire is starting in Olathe and it is a beautiful sight to see. Every two weeks we will shine a light on the amazing Spark Starters throughout Olathe.

Beth Pope

Beth was nominated as a Spark Starter by a colleague at Forest View for spreading sunshine.

The Sunshine Spreaders - Teachers who spread joy and positivity.

Rich Sula

Rich was nominated as a Spark Starter by a colleague at Olathe North for being an encourager.

The Encouragers - The teachers who inspire with courage, spirit, and confidence.

Matthew Bowers

Matt was nominated as a Spark Starter by a colleague at Pioneer Trail for being innovative.

The Innovators - The teachers who seek new and/or better ideas.