Summer Learning Opportunities

The following learning opportunities are provided for you to learn more about district teaching and learning. 

We have a series of in-person sessions that will be held at the Instructional Resource Center at 14090 Black Bob Road. 

There are also a number of sessions being offered through Nearpod. Complete these opportunities on your own time and when you are ready for the information. As you start the Nearpod session, please enter your first and last name when prompted in order to get credit for completion. 

Professional development points can be earned for completion of any and all of these sessions

Completing these modules will ensure the best start to your school year!

Classroom Management 101 - July 17 from 9AM-11AM

Audience: All

Join Dr. Scott Fluke at the Instructional Resource Center (14090 Black Bob Rd) from 9:00-11:00. This session is open to all new educators as well as new educators from 2023-24! You will not want to miss this amazing session presented by the incredible Dr. Fluke. Please sign up for this session by clicking here:

Elementary Literacy Training – July 17 - 12:30-3:30

Audience – K-5 Classroom Teachers and Elementary Resource Teachers

Join Coordinator of Elementary English Language Arts, Laurie Winter. We will be spending time learning more about 

§ 95% Group

§ Writing Units of Study

We will have some GREAT giveaways and books to help you get your classroom library started!

Please sign up for this session by clicking here: 

Reading 6-12 - July 30th or August 6th

Audience – New Reading Teachers 6-12

Training options— Please sign-up to let us know your training plans.  We want to be ready for any and all who can come!  

o   July 30th: 8:00-11:30 or 12:30-4:00 (Mission Trail Middle School)

o   August 6th: 8:00-11:30 or 12:30-4:00 (Mission Trail Middle School)

Sign up here! - 

Literacy 6-8 - Reading Units of Study

Audience – Teacher new to Reading Units of Study

o   July 8th: 8:00-11:30 or 12:30-4:00 (IRC 400/410)

o   July 17th: 8:00-11:30 or 12:30-4:00 (IRC400/410)

o   August 6th: 12:30-4:00 (TBD)

Join Coordinator of English Language Arts, Kim Dahl, at the Instructional Resource Center (14090 Black Bob Rd) from 12:30-4:00 PM.

Sign up here! 

English Language Arts K-5 Nearpod Module (approximately 1 hour)

Mathematics K-5 Nearpod Module  (approximately 1 hour)

K-5 Eureka! Nearpod Module 

Mathematics 6-12 Nearpod Module (approximately 1 hour)

Science K-5 Nearpod Module  ( approximately 1 hour)

Social Studies K-5 Nearpod Module (approximately 1 hour)