New activities are added as they are made available. 

Be sure to check back frequently for the most 

up-to-date offerings. 

Big3 Tuesdays

Olathe Public Schools is offering Professional Learning Opportunities throughout the 

2023-24 school year.

A variety of learning options are available (see below). 

In-Person sessions are held on Tuesdays at the Instructional Resource Center.

Self-Paced sessions will launch on Tuesdays, but may be accessed at any time (after the initial launch date).   

These activities are optional, but will provide on-going learning experiences to 

deepen educators' understanding of the Big3 and the goals of our District Strategic Plan.  

Learning Options

Some sessions are listed under multiple options because there are different ways to engage in the learning which impacts how points are earned. 

Learning Course

A Learning Course is an opportunity to engage in multiple sessions focused on the same topic.  Within a Learning Course, you must commit to participating in all of the in-person sessions and all of the assigned self-paced and implementation activities that are part of the course. Just as in a college course, a Learning Course will have the opportunity to earn College Credit or Professional Development Points for both relicensure and salary movement through the Individual Action Plan Process. College Credit options and Professional Development Points options are outlined within the Learning Courses.  

Learning Series

A Learning Series is an opportunity to engage in multiple sessions focused on the same topic. Although encouraged, you do not need to attend all of the sessions, as you would with a Learning Course. Within a Learning Series, Professional Development Points for both relicensure and salary movement will be awarded through signing in for in-person sessions, with additional opportunities to earn points for application and impact through the Individual Action Plan Process. Support will be provided on the process through the series.   

In-Person Sessions

In-Person Sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings at the Instructional Resource Center. These sessions are designed for new learning with time for processing and collaboration with others. Professional Development Points for both relicensure and salary movement will be awarded by signing in at the sessions. 1 hour of learning = 1 professional development point. 

Self-Paced Sessions

Self-Paced Sessions may be offered in a variety of formats including Nearpod, videos, professional reading and reflection, podcasts, or other learning modes.  Professional Development Points for both relicensure and salary movement may be earned through the Individual Action Plan Process.