Hypokinetic disease

The Project

The goal for our group was to create a poster which displayed information about a hypokinetic disease we were assigned. The disease we were assigned was a stroke. We had to research how to reduce risk of stroke, the impact of it on a national level, it's symptoms, and more. Overall, the project went fairly smoothly.

Hypokinetic Diseases

Hypokinetic diseases is what the whole project is about. It is diseases which are caused by or partly caused by a lack of physical exercise. You can reduce your risking of obtaining these diseases by exercising.

Fitness Components

One of the main requirements for the project was to have information on how the disease affected fitness components. Fitness components include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The disease we were assigned affected all but the body composition component of fitness.


Stroke is the hypokinetic disease we were assigned. It occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted and brain cells begin to die. It is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States.

What we did good

Our group excelled at critical thinking. We found accurate and relevant information quickly. We also were great at solving conflicts. An example of a conflict we quickly resolved was when we forgot to bring the necessary tools to write on the poster. To fix this, we asked other students who were kind enough to lend us them. Communication is another thing that we did well in. Our poster effectively communicates information about the disease. All the information is organized and easy to read.

What we could do better

Our group was a bit lacking in collaboration. In the research stage many members had gathered no information whilst others gathered all of it. We also found it easy to get off task throughout the project. Conscientious learning is another thing we could work on. There was little organization throughout the project and no goals set. We sort of just winged it. In the end though, it turned out fine.