Superhero Mission & Periodic Trends

For this project, we got assigned an element and we had to create a story with that element. I got assigned Gold, with an element name of Au. My superhero's name is Golden Scorpion, and I also drew that on my element.

Copy of Nithya Sunku - Superhero P3 Mission

This on the left is my superhero story. A little bit about it, Gold, aka Golden Scorpion, got his powers from an explosion created by his arch nemesis, Aqua Regia. In this little snapshot, Golden Scorpion needs to make a new suit in order to defeat Aqua Regia, but Aqua Regia has other plans for him. 

Copy of Nithya Sunku - Periodic Trends Lab

On the left is my background research done on activity series and reactivity. This wasn't as needed for our project, but is a precursor to what we'll be learning in future units.