Intergalactict Planetary


At the start of this project we were tasked with simply making a model of what we think our solar system looks like, whether it was right or wrong. After we learned some about our solar system we were then again tasked to make a model of our solar system, this time we had to have it scale both the distance from the sun, and the planet sizes. This one had a lot greater and more relevant amount of information.

After this we learned all about gravity and even how to calculate the gravitational pull between planets. We did multiple models showing off everything we learned and putting all of it together. Below shows all of my models.

Miller Morgan - Gravity and Orbits Model 4

Model 4

Model 5 


I learned multiple good things during this unit. I learned that every planet orbits the sun as well as they are not always in a perfect circle, for example pluto has a much more round path. Another thing I learned which was very helpful throughout the whole project was how to calculate the gravitational pull of a planet. The equation used to find this is F=Gm1 m2/d^2. 


I think that I have improved drastically from past projects. This is definitely the best and hardest I have worked on a STEM Marin project. I think partly because this was one of the better projects. I think another reason I worked so well on this project is because I sort of had to, due to my one other teammate not being here the majority of the days. One thing I did very well was collaboration, I think I improved a lot in this because I had to lead my other group mate who was barely there, to a solid grade in the project. I think this really enhanced my leadership skills. I think that my work ethic this project was also amazing.

Though  I did do good this project their is always things I can do to improve one thing in the 6 Cs I could improve in is, critical thinking, I think I could improve in this is because I had to ask a ton of questions to the teachers, to get this done. Questions are good but only because I did not have a partner to clarify my worries. Another thing I could improve in is my character, only because once my partner came back I got a little bit mad at him. It was mostly jokes because he was my friend but I easily could have avoided being mean.