Solve a World Problem

Copy of Solve A World Problem

Our Process:

Our task was to find a world problem, research it, and provide a solution for the problem. We decided that we wanted to research unsafe driving, because that is a problem in the world, and also our community. After researching and brainstorming we ended up with three possible solutions. The solutions we did not end up choosing were making everyone take car classes to help ensure they know how to drive in any situation, and enforcing stricter driving laws. These laws would include a lower BAC limit, making people renew their license, and possibly even lowering speed limits. After careful consideration, we decided the best solution would be to create a car with many safety features. Many of the unsafe driving is due to human error, and if the car ensures safety the human error will reduce drastically. Each person in my group researched a different problem inside the wide problem of unsafe driving. I researched unsafe driving and my other group members researched driving in severe weather, and drunk driving. After many articles, charts, and data points, we came to a consensus on what features needed to be changed in the typical car nowadays.

1) Identify the problem or need

After brainstorming we agreed that unsafe driving was the world problem that interested us the most. Since unsafe driving has so many aspects to it, we decided our main focuses would be on driving in severe weather, drunk, and unsafe driving.

2) Define requirements & constraints

We knew that some of the reasons that crashes happen are due to mistakes and human error. There is no way we can actually fix that, so we had to try and find a solution that would greatly reduce human error, considering the fact that having no human error is impossible.

3) Brainstorm solutions

We decided to do our research and then brainstorm solutions. After researching countless and various data sets, we brainstormed the best ideas. We thought of changing laws to try to reduce distracted and drunk driving for teens, because the data showed that the fatalities of these two things were mostly teens. Although this solution was promising there was a social factor of changing common laws, that would be extremely hard to actually change. We also thought making people take driving classes could be very valuable to reducing unsafe driving. If you were able to learn what to do in dangerous situations, and were also able to know when to stay off the roads in unsafe times it would help make there be less accidents.

4) Evaluate solutions

After a long time disusing, we decided that creating a car with loads of safety features would be the best thing for fixing the unsafe driving problems. Although our other ideas were good, they were trying to change the ways that humans drive. Changing the way all humans act is impossible, so we decided a car would be a more reliable way to remove unsafe driving.

5) Design & build prototype

Initially we wanted to create a prototype on auto desk software. Unfortunately, it was extremely hard to create a prototype with that advanced software on a chrome book. We ended up just drawing our prototype as a blueprint on paper instead. Obviously, we would not actually be able to make a car, so creating our prototype on paper was the most we were able to do. After a long time we decided on which features to add into the car and show on the blueprint.

(The blueprint is shown below)

6) Evaluate & test prototype

We did not need to use this step of the design cycle because we did not have an actual physical model of the car that we were able to use, we only had a blueprint. Although we did not have a prototype to change, we did end up changing some features on the car after we researched more of the aspects of car accidents.

7) Communicate results

Finally, we ended up presenting our idea on how our car would fix the problem of unsafe driving. Eventually we would want to show this car to car companies, and try to create a real one. If the car was able to be created we would test the car in many unsafe situations, and ensure that the passengers would be safe in all unsafe driving situations.


Although when you immediately think about unsafe driving, cultural competence is not the first thing that comes to mind. I think that there were very unexpected problems that involved cultural competence and I did a good job with evaluating and solving those problems. The project we chose was a heavy topic because unsafe driving is a problem in our community. Also, when thinking about enforcing laws it makes you have to contemplate human's freedom and how taking away laws can change that. I think I did a good job looking at unsafe driving as many aspects from many perspectives instead of one problem with one solution. I think I also did a really great job on my critical thinking. The whole goal of this project was to solve a problem, which uses lots of critical thinking. My group and I did a good job finding solutions to our problem, and fixing any setbacks that came up.

I believe one thing I could have improved throughout this project was my communication. My group and I did a great job talking over many issues and talking while brainstorming. I just think that I could have tried to talk more about my research and explain my ideas clearly and more thoroughly. Adding onto my communication, I also think I could have improved on my collaboration for some of the same reasons. We worked very well as a group and were successful in the end. Throughout the project I wish I would have said my ideas and shared my data more, so we could have come to some different agreements. Overall, I think that this car was an amazing solution to the problem of unsafe driving, and that although there were some parts of the project that were difficult, the end result was a success.