Writing Poetry
The poetry unit was done over the course of about a month. We started off reading an annotating poets writing while we were learning different literary terms. As we got more introduce to the topics, we were assigned to write a total of 5 poems with different writing prompts. After all poems were written we were assigned to pick are best, or one we felt comfortable reading for the poetry slam. We then went through several steps of modifications to improve our poems to make them better for the poetry slam, followed by a day of practicing presentations of our poems. The unit was wrapped up on February 7th.
Writing Prompts and Poems
Prompts #1: Tell the World Who You Are. Write a poem that shows who you are through the use of vivid imagery. Include metaphors and similes.
Prompt #2: Tell the World About a Special Place. Write a poem filled with the sensations: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.
Prompt #3: Tell the World What You Think. Write a poem in which you say what you think. Enhance your voice in the poem by using sound devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhythm, rhyme, and/or meter.
Prompt #4: Tell the World What You Love. Write an Ode about someone who has, perhaps from a distance, made a difference, made a difference in your life. Fill your poem with details.
Prompt #5: Tell the World How it Feels. Choose one emotion and write an emotion about it. Note that this could be a letter to the emotion.
After writing these poems, I choose to read the poem I wrote after Prompt #4, and Ode to my cat titled Ode to a Feline Friend.
This is the cat I wrote my ode poem about.
This is the place I wrote about for prompt #2.
Throughout the poetry unit my writing process was quiet short, although I worked hard I had very little time after school. So I would try and do as much as I could in class. However I have a harder time working in class, and would rather work at home. So after I got home from my several hours of after school activities I would get cleaned up and go straight to my room and start writing. I often tend to plan out several lines in my head instead of writing them on my paper right away. So when I then put it on the paper I can organize them in the order that allows the best flow. From there I then make sure the Stanzas look correct, and proof read. I try and catch as many grammatical mistakes, along with making sure my point is clear and the words make sense. After making sure everything is correct, I will go back and try and see if I used enough figurative language or other writing tools to make it sound better before submitting.
After writing all these poems it was time for the poetry slam. There were around eight judges if you included the teacher, and a crowd of about 30 students. We went in an order based on what we drew from a box the day before. It was an incredible time hearing what my fellow colleagues were saying through their poems, and I was very pleased with the connections that were made. When it was my turn to present, I was nervous and probably could have done a better job. I have never been a great presenter, when nervous I tend to fidget and go quiet. So when reading my poem I was a little quiet and I picked up my tempo on accident, while rushing to try and get it over with. So there was definitely room for improvement there. Also during the poetry slam and hearing how great some of the really deep poems were, I wish I wrote a poem that meant a little more or at least could have been connected to a little more. However I am proud that I was able to compose poems with the knowledge of the figurative language I was using. Also I was happy that even though I was really nervous and maybe a little faster and quieter than hoped for I didn't stumble and give up to much. I held myself together and worked on keeping my composer.
Over all I really enjoyed the poetry unit more than I expected, and while doing so I had growth towards my 6 C's. Although I don't think I grew to much in collaboration, character, conscientious learning, or cultural competence. I did grow in critical thinking when we had to analyse and interpret messages from poems; and communication in both communicating through writing and the delivery of it.
If you want to see more of my poetry I will have a document below with some of my eight grade poems..