Solve a World Problem

Our world problem was about skin cancer and how to prevent it.


 To start, our group reasrched all about our problem to figure out the most optimal solutions. After narrowing down are solution list, we decided on a bucket hat. We relized that our idea needed to be orignal so we thought about possible modifications. We chose to add dreadlocks to our bucket hat to provide more of a curtin that would be stylish enough for time that were in. Our hat would target younger audiances so they can prevent skin cancer before it becomes a problem.


Ask: Identify the need and constraints -

We identifiyed the need and constraints of preventing skin cancer during our research faze. We determined that instead of targeting the entire body we would just protect the skin in one area which is the head.

Research the problem: 

We spent about 2 days researching our problem of preventing skin cancer. When we all finished gathering information we shared out our thoughts and ideas to come up with a good solution

Develop possible solutions: 

Our group understood that preventing skin cancer would be hard to come up with a solid orignal idea. So, we decided to choose the head so our idea can be more orginal, for the head we knew that hats were all common choices to prevent skin cancer. Then we started thinking about hairstyles that could prevent skin cancer.


We agreed on a bucket hat with dread locks. We chose it because it was our most orginal and effective idea that we could come up with in our 2 days of resarch.

Create/Build a prototype:

The cost we came up with is aorund 1570$. We came up with this from the average bucket hat is 15$ and for 16 dreadlock extensions on average cost 1560$. We needed fincial support on this so we called local goverment aid buildings to ask for their support.

Test and evaluate prototype:

After testing our desighn we relized that there will be some dificulties in vision. We thought about adding lenses to our desgihn but relized that this would increase the concentration of u.v radion in the eye area. However around the head the dreadlocks provide great cover from the sun.

Improve/redesighn if needed:

We thought that knew that some colors blocked out sun better then others so we decided to add colors for people who perfer perfomance over looks. We also provided a description of how well each color prefroms under the sun.


I think that my critcial thinking on this project was very good, I was able to come up with many  great ideas that we incorperated with this project. I also was able to provide my research that showed colors could help against the sun. Also, I think I had great culural compitance on this project. I relized that people won't wear somthing if it's not up to the current time standards or if theres no veritey. Some things things that I want to work on for my next project are being a better consciouns learner and communication.