Outdoor STEM Space

bench slides


- Use of sunlight and sun angles | Ideal bench location would be in sunlight most of the day to dry off from the morning dew and be warmer to sit on colder days.

- Human Use patterns | Ideal location is between the maker space and the stem building so people can use it before they go to either building.

- Material choice | Pressure treated wood for the base to prevent rotting and it is cheaper. Redwood for human contact  as pressure treated has harmful chemicals and lasts a while but is more expensive.

- Blueprinting | We designed our bench with initial sketches then used tinker cad to make scale 3d blueprints.

- 3D modeling | We used tinker cad to make a scale model of our design and use images of that to pitch our design.

- Budgeting and materials lists | We kept track of all the materials that would be used in our design and listed local prices for those parts.


For this project i think i did well as a innovative and creative thinker trying to come up with a design that had as much function and use as design and aesthetics. I also think i did well communicating with my group we all knew what we were doing and each did our parts to complete this project.

For this project i think i could improve in collaborating because my group did not share many other ideas than mine. I also think i could improve in community because i was not as helpful to other groups as i could have been with 3d modeling.