Outdoor STEM Space


This chair uses full sunlight exposure because it is in the spot where sun hits it the most.  The materials that we used were pressure treated redwood for the legs and regular redwood for the wood that people will be sitting on. 


During this project there was 3 people in my group.  2 things that we did well together was our communication and our collaboration.  Communication was a thing that we did well because I feel like every single idea that one of us had we would talk about it.  We also were always together at all times and were always working together on the same thing.   Collaboration was also a thing that we did well because we all worked about the same amount of work and all of the work that we did was together as a group.  

Some things that I could improve on as a group was our community skills.  This is because we didn't really help any other group around us.  Another skill that I must work on is my critical thinking.  This is because when a problem came up I when to one of my group mates for help, although I figured out a lot of the problems, once I got stuck I would just go to one of my groups mates for help.