About Me

I first became interested in math and science as a kid, as my family is very proficient at math and science as a whole. My parents both went to top colleges, and my grandparents met working on Apollo 11 at NASA. I ended up in advanced math classes in the 2nd and 3rd grades, and then in the GATE program in the 4th and 5th grades. Afterward, I took Algebra in 8th grade instead of 9th grade, Geometry in the 9th grade instead of the 10th, and Algebra 2 in the 10th grade instead of the 11th.

In the 9th grade, I was Sister Sarah Brown in my school theater program's performance of Guys and Dolls. In the 10th grade, I performed as Vice Principal Douglas Panch in the program's rendition of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I also played one of the evil step sisters in a local company's performance of Into The Woods. I recently performed as Lank Hawkins in a local company's performance of Crazy For You and as Lord Clapham in my school's performance of Something Rotten. I am now rehearsing as Janet Van De Graff in my school's rendition of The Drowsy Chaperone.

In my free time, I enjoy a variety of things. Some of my previous and current hyperfixations/interests include the Sims 4, Stardew Valley, various superheroes/comic characters (I've written over 70 thousand words - about the length of a short novel!), voice acting, reading, drawing, playing the piano, and dress/fashion history. I recently created my own historical gown, using a pattern constructed off of extant gowns from the 1840s-1860s!

I've had multiple voice-acting jobs. My first one was as Halle Copter on the children's show Go Go Cory Carson, and then as the only speaking role in the original pilot for the children's show Oni. I played the main character, a young girl.

My IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11207003/


Adi (Adelaide) Hirasaki

Pronouns: He/She