In the Now

Recently, the family was introduced to another immigrant family who moved next to their first Needham home. With now extensive knowledge of different American celebrations and customs, the Currys were able to invite and join them in Thanksgiving dinners and other traditional American celebrations. Paula and Michael receiving help from their friend in Dorchester when they first came to America made helping their immigrant neighbors that much more special. Paula specifically was very willing to “show them the ropes”, a task that she honored greatly from back in Dorchester, and was proud to complete in the present day.

Last year, Niamh Curry graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in architecture.

Beginning in the fall of 2021, twins John and Emma Curry (pictured left and center) began their college educations. John, similarly to Niamh, attends the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Emma attends the University of Vermont.

The youngest of the family, Brian, is currently a senior at Needham High School, and is looking to attend a university next fall.

The Curry family continues to go to Ireland as much as they can in order to visit their extended family. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a halt in their initial 2020 travel plans, but the family was able to go back in the summer of 2022. Below is a photo gallery from their trip.