Rachel Bornstein, Meyer Yablonsky, and the Held/Litowsky/Yablonsky Family

As told by Gail Held to Sophie Small (great great granddaughter)

My grandmother asked, “where do you want me to start? I can give you around 120 years of history”. And so I said, “let’s go as far back as we know”.

I interviewed my grandmother about her grandparents (my great great grandparents) and the following generations.

(From left to right): My mom, Jenny Small; my dad, Josh Small; me; my great uncle, Isaac Held; my grandmother, Gail Held; my great aunt; Joann Held; my aunt, Laura Held; my brother, Nathan Small; my grandfather, Herman Held; my uncle, Bryant Johnson; and my aunt, Maria Held. June 2021

My grandmother at around 3 years old