Mozard's Future

"I love Boston, I love Massachusetts." - Mozard

Although Boston is one of Mozard's favorite places, he hopes to buy land in Haiti and retire there. He explained the norm for Haitian-Americans, "we work hard here, and have a house [in Haiti], and retire [in Haiti]".

Unfortunately, the high costs and strict U.S. immigration laws are keeping Mozard's many aunts, uncles, and cousins from moving here with him. He continues to support his family financially from afar, even though he has only been back four times in seventeen years.

Mozard's family in Haiti at his First Communion (Mozard located in the center, dressed in all white)

Mozard and his mother

Twelve years after Mozard left Haiti, his mother decided to join him in the US. After Mozard submitted the paperwork, it took three years for the US government three years to approve her move. She was finally able to move here in the spring of 2022, fifteen years after Mozard emigrated.

In his job at KMA Delivery, he values those who share similar immigration stories to him and those from South American countries or Haiti because he knows that they not only need jobs, but they want jobs. He sympathizes with those continuing to move here and hopes to continue employing them in the future.

Mozard dreams of, someday, owning his own company but when asked about his ultimate dream job he laughed and said "I've always wanted to be the CEO of T-Mobile".

Most importantly, Mozard's future lies with his family... his partner Wendy and their daughter, Weneia (pictured here).


Weneia + Wendy
