Advice Corner
Former 9th grade students have recommended to...
Get Organized
Be on time to class (tardies add up to credit loss)
Purchase a planner to write down your assignments before you leave class-- this will help you keep track of homework
Get school supplies AFTER you meet with your teachers for the first time (some have specific requirements)
Keep your documents organized in your Drive
Check in with teachers regularly (stay after school or attend X-block)
Do all of your work and don't procrastinate; procrastination will make you stressed
Be prepared for class with all materials and take every class seriously
Bring in emergency health forms to the nurse as soon as possible
It is your responsibility to know and follow the rules in the Student Handbook)
Get Connected
Join clubs and participate in sports
Build relationships with teachers; they can help you, and it is good to have teachers know you for references later
Make new friends (diversify your relationships)
Stay positive and be open-minded
Advocate for yourself, always
Get to know your guidance counselor; they are so nice and helpful
Get to know other school staff – i.e. secretaries, lunch staff, custodians, etc.
Be courteous of others in hallways
Be friendly and kind to others
Don’t sweat the small stuff