Life Today

Today Danny Seti lives in Needham, Massachusetts with his wife, Sharon Seti, and his two kids, Sophia and Daniel. The Setis also own two Rottweilers named Penni and Macho. Danny's parents moved back home to Indonesia several years ago, however he still remains close with his parents by talking to them over the phone. One of Danny's brothers lives locally and they have continued to stay close. His other brother lives in California, but he has also been able to stay connected with him over the phone and through social media.


Danny and his brother-in-law own a bagel shop in Needham called Bagel's Best. Danny opened this small business in 1997 with help from family and friends. Bagel's Best has been very successful up to this day and continues to make its impact on Needham as a popular breakfast place. Both Danny and his wife along with his brother-in-law's family work full-time at Bagel's Best.


In his free time, Danny enjoys spending time with family and friends. He also enjoys going deep sea fishing. One of Danny's favorite places to go is Winnisquam Lake in New Hampshire. He has been going to this lake with his family since he was a kid. Now, he has carried on the tradition by bringing his own family there every year during the summer.

Here is Danny driving a boat on Lake Winnisquam