
Please follow these steps to be able to write your report and represent it.

1) Watch this video and write an introduction about the difference between mass and weight.

2) Gather more information before starting with the experiment from these two websites.

3) You will work on two planets and compare the results. Choose any two planets from the below pictures.

4) Perform the experiment using a simulation and fill a table similar to the one below.

  • Sign up to Explore Learning website to be able to perform the experiment.

  • Write down the materials needed to conduct the experiment and the procedure that you followed.

5) Represent your results on one graph.

6) Draw out a conclusion about the relation between mass, weight and gravity and the difference between mass and weight from the results that you got.

7) Prepare a PowerPoint and record yourself presenting your presentation.

8) Finish your report and send it by email.

Now enjoy your trip into space. Bon voyage!