Expectations in the Virtual Classroom

My Contact Info:

My Email is the best way to get in touch with me if you have a question. If you email me, please allow enough time for me to respond. My first priority is teaching your child, thus emails may not be answered until after school.

You may also reach me on my cell: (262) 909-1984


I will take attendance twice a day. Your child will have to be logged in on their computer every morning (8:30) to be “present” at school, and not be marked absent. Your child will also have to login after recess for afternoon learning. If your child is having technology problems, please email me immediately so I don’t mark your child absent.


The only homework your child will have during virtual learning would be work they did not complete during learning time. If your child works hard from 8:30-3:00, they will have no homework after the school day is done. If they don’t finish work during class time, it does become homework. It MUST be turned in by the next morning unless parents contact me to make a special arrangement.


We hold high expectations for students. We use PBIS at this school and use many different methods to reinforce positive behavior methods. If your child does receive a consequence that warrants parent contact, myself or the principal will contact you by the end of the day.

Keeping Updated:

I am going to do use the "Announcements" page of this website as a way to keep you updated about "goings on" in the Virtual 2/3 Multiage classroom. I will update the announcements every Sunday evening for the upcoming week.

Learning Space:

Please create a learning space for your child to participate in virtual learning. A place that is quiet, with few distractions and a solid surface for writing and setting their computer on would be best. A chair to sit on would also be great.


Students will have lunch and recess in a combined time. If your child would like to eat lunch with the class, they can. I will have the Meeting Classroom link open for eating time, and students will have to log off for recess and be back to log on for afternoon learning at the appropriate time.

Pick up Time:

There will be times to pick up and drop off supplies for virtual learning. Your child will be reading novels for Literature Circle during 2nd ,3rd ,and 4th Quarter. It is important that these books are returned to me, so please help you child take good care of these materials.


We do have snack time in the morning. Please make sure they are eating healthy snacks, and it is a good idea for them to have a water bottle at their work table as well. Please remind your child to have their snack in their learning area each morning.

Classroom Expectations for my students:

Please Click the link below to view a "Glideshow" that explains the expectations I have for all the kiddos in my class!


(You will need to scroll down to move from slide to slide) :)