Mrs. Glenn's Site

Second Grade - Room 130

Welcome to Second Grade!!! I am excited to be the teacher of your child this year. I hope you had a wonderful summer and that your child is ready to be back at school doing great things.

I believe in the importance of helping students to develop a life-long love of learning. It is my goal to actively engage your child in the learning process. Many of the activities that we will do on a daily basis are hands-on, student centered, and enhanced through technology.

I am dedicated to making this a pleasant and rewarding school year for all students. I will strive to provide a comfortable learning environment in which all students feel valued, cared for, and safe.

Good communication is a key to us working as a team for the benefit of your child. I will strive to keep you well informed about what is happening in our classroom. I encourage you to contact me also as needed. I can be reached at or by calling 262-359-2104.