
Learning about the power of your brain

Amygdala (uh-MIG-duh-luh) - Keeps you safe. Alerts you to danger.

Active at birth. Regulates breathing, heart rate, sleeping, etc. Instant reaction without thinking. Emotions such as anger, fear, joy.

Acts like a blocker in football

Hippocampus (hih-puh-KAM-puhs) - Creates and stores memories.

Long term storage. Limited size so use it or lose it. Use it and it is stronger. Don't use it and it is weakened until you don't remember it.

Acts like a coach

Prefrontal Cortex (pree-FRUN-tuhl KOR-teks) - Controls decision making.

Allows us to focus our attention, to read, write, comprehend, predict, and analyze information.

Not fully grown until age 25.

Acts like a Quarterback

Under stress, Amygdala reacts without taking the time to use the Hippocampus or Prefrontal Cortex.

How well are you going to respond to things if you are not using all parts of your brain?

Learning about Mindfulness can help you better understand your brain. It can help you learn self-regulation skills and help you learn how to cope with stress.