
Guidelines for a Great Year!

Mathematics is a challenging subject! One subject builds on another. Daily participation is a must!!! Do not get behind on your coursework.

Course Description

Geometry is the major branch of mathematics that deals with the nature of space and the shape, size, and other properties of figures. Students will develop logical and deductive reasoning skills throughout the course. These reasoning skills will guide students to see that basing a conclusion on observations and measurements alone may prove to be inaccurate. Conclusions need to be supported by a logical proof.


■ Basics of Geometry ■ Quadrilaterals

■ Area of Polygons and Circles ■ Similarity

■ Surface Area and Volume ■ Right Triangles

■ Perpendicular and Parallel Lines ■ Circles

■ Triangles

Classroom Materials

· Textbook: McDougal Littell, Geometry, 2008

· Please make sure that your name is on your materials. I will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

· A replacement fee will be assessed for any school materials that you damage.


1. Obey all school rules. They apply in this classroom as well as out of it.

2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Textbook, notebook, paper, and pencils should be out and you should be working on bell ringer problem(s).

3. Come to class prepared. It is your responsibility to bring your textbook, notebook, pencil, and paper to class each day.

4. You are expected to be quiet, attentive, respectful, and courteous during class. Do not speak while another student or the teacher is talking. You must raise your hand and be acknowledged before speaking.

5. During group work/discussion you may speak without asking permission provided you are not interrupting someone else.

6. Netbooks and cellphones should NOT be out unless directed to do so. When time is given to begin homework, you may use your cellphone to listen to music.

7. Respect the person and property of others. Keep the room neat and clean. Get permission before using another person’s materials. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

8. On all assignments, you must show all work neatly. Even when using a calculator, you must include steps taken to arrive at your solution.

9. Assignments will not be accepted late unless prior permission is given.

10. The time between classes should be used to take care of personal needs. In case of emergency, you will be given five passes per quarter. (See the pass sheet for specifics.)

11. Please stay seated until the bell rings and you are dismissed.

It is in no ones best interest to misbehave. Disruptions only take away from your learning and my teaching. A student whose behavior disrupts the learning of others will be disciplined accordingly. This may include loss of daily participation points, loss of group work privilege, parent notification, lunch detention, referral to the office, or removal from class.

Classroom Procedures

Independent Practice (Homework)

§ All independent practice will be posted on the assignment board in class and on Powerschool.

§ Often you will be given class time to discuss the lesson and begin the assignment what you do not finish in class becomes homework.

§ All independent practice will be reviewed the next class. If you find you’ve made an error, rework the problem until you get the correct answer. By doing so, you will discover errors before they become bad habits.

§ Since test questions are patterned after independent practice problems and class notes, it is in your best interest to complete all assignments.

§ Independent practice assignments will be checked for completion daily.


- Each student is required to maintain a notebook containing notes, class work, independent practice, and bellringers.

- Notebooks will be collected at the end of each unit.

- Notebook check sheets will list in order all required papers.

- Notebook grades will be part of your class work grade.


§ In the event of an absence, attempt to receive any assignments beforehand.

§ It is your responsibility to check the posted assignment calendar or Powerschool following an absence to establish what work you missed. You can get any missed handouts from the class folder.

§ Copy any notes from a classmate.

§ If a test is missed because of an excused absence, it is your responsibility to see me and set a date for a make up test within one weekof returning to class. If a test is not made up within that time, you may receive a failing grade for that test.

§ If your absence is the result of ISS or OSS, all assigned work is due the day you return to the classroom. Work that is not turned in will be given a grade of zero.


§ Grades are determined by chapter tests and quizzes (70%), class work (20%), independent practice (10%). Class work may include projects, notebooks, class participation, and anything else the instructor deems necessary.

§ Grades reflect the materials taught and learned in the course, therefore extra credit to substitute for work not done or done poorly is not acceptable.

§ Extra credit will appear on exams, which when completed correctly may affect one’s grade positively.

§ The District’s grading scale is used in this class and it is as follows:

93 – 100% A

85 – 92% B

77 – 84% C

65 – 76% D

0 – 64% F



Tutoring will be held in the morning from 7:00-7:30. If you would like extra help and cannot make it to the designated tutoring time, please see me to set up a time.
