Title IX

DOCS#2278329#v12021 Title IX Training V2 Knox Law.PDF

Title IX Regulations & Harassment Complaint Procedures


On May 19, 2020, the U.S. Secretary of Education amended the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual orientation, including peer-to-peer sexual harassment and sexual violence. The new regulations took effect on August 14, 2020. The district updated its policies to reflect changes in the new regulations. The district identified specific roles and individuals within the investigatory process, provided training for investigatory staff and students as well as posted certain information prominently on its website.

Title IX requirements must be followed, and a school must respond appropriately when a school has actual notice of sexual harassment that occurs in a school’s program or activity. Students and parents should immediately report allegations of sexual harassment or harassment to the Title IX coordinator.  


District Coordinator/ Compliance Officer

Nicole Bell

Co-Director of Student Support Services

P: (814) 432-2121 x 1109


Emily Reiser

Co-Director of Student Support Services

P: (814) 432-2121 x 1105



Building Level Investigators

Thomas Holoman                  K.C. Miller                            Joseph Keenan

Franklin JrSr High School      Franklin JrSr High School      Sandycreek Elementary

P: (814) 432-2121   P: (814) 432-2121 P: (814) 432-3819 

holomant@fasd.k12.pa.us     millerk@fasd.k12.pa.us          keenanj@fasd.k12.pa.us


Gary Canfora                        John Bianconi

Central Elementary               Victory Elementary

P: (814) 432-8419 P: (814) 786-7311 

canforag@fasd.k12.pa.us     bianconij@fasd.k12.pa.us




Initial Decision Makers


Dr. Christine Cohlhepp                       Joseph Keenan

Director of Curriculum & Instruction Building Principal

P: (814) 432-2121               P: (814) 432-3819 

cohlheppc@fasd.k12.pa.us               keenanj@fasd.k12.pa.us




Appeal Decision Maker


Dr. Eugene Thomas


P: (814) 432-2121 





Informal Resolution Facilitators


Andrew Riley                                 Emily Reiser                 Donald King

Dean of Students                        Co-Director of Student Support Services         Dean of Students

P: (814) 432-2121       P: (814) 432-2121                         P: (814) 432-2121

rileya@fasd.k12.pa.us                  reisere@fasd.k12.pa.us                         kingd@fasd.k12.pa.us



Initial Complaint Form

Definitions of Sexual Harassment


1.      Any instance of “Quid Pro Quo” harassment by a school employee (i.e., unwelcome sexual harassment associated with some form of aid or benefit)

2.      Any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that a reasonable person would find to be so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s educational program or activity

3.      Any instance of “Sexual assault,” “dating violence,” “domestic violence,” or “stalking” as those terms are defined under other Federal laws called the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act