Personal Profile

About Me:

Hello, and welcome to my page!

From a young age, I have always displayed enthusiasm towards opportunities that I take up when it comes to things that I enjoy doing such as writing, designing, researching and more. I am quite friendly towards others and provide help when approached. I am also an adventurous person willing to face adversaries and try new things.

My Passion and Interests


I love to read and write about various things such as short diary entries and short stories.


I have a rather discerning eye for aesthetics and always liked to dabble a little in journalling and graphic designing.

My Schooling Journey (So Far)

Primary School

I was enrolled in Ang Mo Kio Primary School (AMKPS) when I was 7 years old back in 2013 and had spent 6 years there preparing for PSLE.

During my time at AMKPS, I obtained multiple leadership roles throughout the years such as reading ambassador, class monitor and being a part of the prefectorial board.

During the last few years there, I also discovered my passion for languages and the arts, both performing and visual. I continuously topped my class in composition writing and performed during some showcases in school.

Secondary School

After primary school, I had chosen to attend Presbyterian High School (PHS) as my next institution in 2019 as my first choice since it was around my score range and near my house.

Having discovered a passion for performing arts in primary school, I joined Dance Society as a co-curricular activity (CCA) where I became vice president in 2021 when I was secondary 3 and went on to perform at the Singapore Youth Festival for performing arts in 2021.

I also undertook some other leadership positions during my 4 years in PHS such as subject representative for english and a community youth leader which led my class in our values-in-action project.

I took up many competitive opportunities in 2022 such as the National Geography Challenge hosted by National University of Singapore (NUS) despite being a history student and the National Youth Environmental Conference (NYEC).

Junior College (current school)

After my O-levels, I enrolled in St. Andrews Junior College through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). 

Within a few months here, I managed to join the school's Student Council CCA as a councillor after undergoing a rigorous selection process and had my commendation ceremony in May. My role in the council was in my committee, Media and Publicity and I was placed in charge of many projects regarding the school's publicity such as posts on the school's official Instagram. I was also a ChrySAlis facilitator and was in charge of the publicity subcommittee for Teacher's Day 2023.

I took up many opportunities that were available through our weekly Saints Ignite newsletter which involved dialogue sessions and volunteering opportunities.

SAJC has offered multiple learning opportunities for me to grow as an individual that I have taken part in, including a work shadowing programme offered by the school at Vocare Studio which I went for.