3D Art

Hexagon Box

This year I was really nervous to be working with clay, but throughout this project I really started to love clay. Although the project took longer than expected, I really enjoyed making this hexagon box. At first I was nervous about coming up with a design or theme, but now I love the design I chose. I really loved painting the lines, while that might seem tedious, this was actually my favorite part of the whole project. I really like how it turned out. It wasn't exactly how I first envisioned it, but it turned out super cute and colorful.

Wheel Throwing

Wheel throwing has by far been my favorite project we did this semester. I was pretty scared that I wouldn't be very good at wheel throwing, but I ended up really loving it. I really loved getting to be on the wheel and create my own pottery. Wheel throwing was quite tricky at first, but once I practiced it became much easier and super fun. I love how all of these came out and I love the glazes I used. I honestly wish I could do another set of pottery in the future.

Raku Vase

For this project, we built vases out of clay coils. At first, I was really worried that my project wasn't going to turn out how I wanted it to, but now that it is finished I completely love it. I love the shape of my vase and the simple, but gorgeous design. The raku process was super fun and I loved getting to experience something so unique. With this process, it is hard to say how the colors will come out, but I absolutely love how the colors look and that they all go together. This project was stressful during the building, but it is now one of my favorite pieces that I have made.