3D Art

Realistic Foam Project

We did this project and our goal was to make an object out of foam that looks realistic. I learned how to use electric drills to add texture and a riffle to add shape and roundness. I chose an avocado because I love them and they have many health benefits. I struggled a little bit with making it round and not super box like. Now I know to go for the edges and ignore the middle to make it round. I am very satisfied with my project.

Wheel Thrown Pottery 

We did this project and our goal was to learn how to center and shape clay into a bowl or mug using a pottery wheel. I learned how to use my hands firmly while also being soft enough to not break the clay. I struggled a little bit with the centering of the clay, no matter how hard I tried I would accidentally make it more off centered. Now I know that I need to be steady and not push too hard. I am very satisfied with my project.