Intro to Art

Hand Drawing

This project was a struggle, but we got it done. I didn't think that I would be able to do something like this. I am very happy with how it turned out. My least favorite part with this project was blending the shades of the pencil marks.

Insect Painting

This painting took quite a while. The most important thing I learned from this is to not blend the paint too much. I enjoyed the process, but I am glad to be done.

Clay Jar

This was my favorite project so far. I really enjoy working with clay. I am so surprised with how this turned out. This jar was a very tedious thing to make. Each indent had to be dug out and then I messed up on painting. In the end, we figured everything out.

Clay Bowl

This project was pretty laid back. I chose a simple design because I didn't want it to take too long. I am very happy with how it turned out.

Clay Whistle

This project was a lot of fun to make and I am very proud of how it turned out. I am so happy that I could get it to whistle. The hardest part of this project for me was making the head.


This is probably one of my favorite projects. It was fun to make and I really like how it turned out. I originally messed up on the head so I had to glue a new head on. I am so amazed with the background, it looks so detailed.

Bird Printmaking

This project took me a while to finish. I didn't like the process very much, but I like how it turned out. I am glad to be done with it.

Metal Lid Box

This project was one of the fastest ones to make. I finished it on time with everyone else and that really surprised me. I like how it looks and I am happy to have made it. Great way to finish the year.

Spot The Difference Photo

This project turned out to be a lot more simple compared to what I thought it was going to be. This is the first thing that I have ever photo-shopped. I am glad to be done, this project was not my favorite because it was on the computer.