Clay Jar

Making this clay jar was very fun! I made a few small bumps in the clay, and when I glazed it, I missed some small spots. This is because the glaze is very light colored before it is fired up, and it is very pastel. I had expected the jar to stay pastel, but the color turned out almost neon. I loved how the jar turned out even though it was not how I had expected.

Clay Whistle

Making this clay whistle was a roller coaster ride!! It took days to decide what I wanted my whistle to look like, but even before that, it took at least 6 redo's to get my whistle to make noise! The snowman had a full smile, a carrot nose, arms, and a scarf when it entered the kiln for the first time. When I started to glaze it, I put too much pressure on the paintbrush, and it tipped over, making the scarf, a piece of the smile, arms, head, and the carrot nose fall off!! We were able to attach the head back on with glaze, but everything else was thrown out! Nonetheless, I still love how cute and silly this snowman looks!! had an amazing time doing this project!!

Clay Coil Bowl

Making this clay bowl has been my favorite art project yet!!!! It took a little bit of time to choose what design I wanted to do. I have been noticing that this happens with all of my art projects, but that's okay, some things just take a little bit more time than others! I didn't even really draw out my design on the bowl first, I just sort of did a rough sketch! I loved making the coils and glazing the finished bowl, and I absolutely love the color and design!!! It was a huge success overall and I had so much fun making it!


Making this water color painting was very fun, but also very challenging at first. I actually picked out my picture very fast this time, and same with my color scheme. I love the color scheme I chose, and I think it was very unique to not have blue water. The shading and layering was the part that was a little hard for me to get the hang of, but in the end, I got it! Watercolor was very fun for me, and it is one of my favorite projects we have done so far in this class! I love this way this project turned out, and had such a fun time water coloring!