Introduction to Studio Art

Hand Drawing

During this project, I learned how to add value, how to exactly drew something, and how to double a drawing. This is my drawing of my hand holding a paintbrush. It turned out better than I ever thought it would be and I am very proud of it.

Lines drawing

This project taught me how to use my imagination when drawing a picture and to use my eyes more than my brain. I drew an amusement park out of nine lines. I am very proud of this because it took me a long time to come up with an idea and I am worked really hard on it.

Bug painting

This is a picture of my painting of a monarch butterfly. In this project, I learned how to add drama to a painting and how to make different colors by mixing different paints. I am very proud of this painting.

Underwater Watercolor Painting

This is my watercolor painting of a jellyfish. I am really proud of it. Some things that i learned was how to add shadow and depth to the painting by using layers, and how to add pen to the finished product.

Clay Jar

This is my jar made out of clay. I really liked the way it turned out. Some things that I learned while doing this project was how many layers of glaze to do and how to make it smooth.

3d story

I made a 3D story from things I found in my house. My project was based on the story of my family traveling to Hawaii. During this project, I learned that you can turn anything into art, even old magazines, straws, and popsicle sticks.

Clay whistle

I made a clay whistle in the shape of a chili pepper. Although this project was challenging, it was very fun to do. I learned that you have to be very careful and precise when making art, because one one wrong move can mess up the project.

Spot The Difference

I made a spot the difference page with Karlee DeGroot. The end result of everyone's paged were made into a book. One thing I learned was that art can be used in many different ways, and that it can make a difference in the world.

clay bowl

I made a clay bowl. This bowl was very fun to make, because I got to choose my own design and colors. Some things I learned from this project is that you have to take your time when making art, or you will risk the project falling apart.