Introduction to Studio Art

Creative Line Art

When I was first figuring out how all these different lines would work together to make a story, I looked back at my other Creative Lines activity to draw some inspiration from it. In one of the 9 panels, there was a scene with a shark swimming by some fish. I decided to turn that scene into the picture on the right. I believe I did a pretty good job of incorporating all the lines into the final product. My only regret is drawing a drone instead of a sea turtle. If I would have done this, the big empty space at the bottom wouldn't be so noticeable.

Hand Drawing

Over the course of approximately 20 days, I recreated a photo of my hand in a monochromatic drawing. The process that elapsed a large majority of the project was drawing the outline of the image. I measured out certain points in the photo given to me with a ruler to make sure that my proportions were exact. In the end, I believe it paid off to have spent so much time on the outline. Adding value to the hand was probably the easiest part of the whole assignment. I am pleased with how the fingers and majority of the hand turned out. My main flaw in this drawing would be the extremely dark shading found on my arm and wrist. Considering I have very white skin, the value should have been lighter around the bottom of my arm. Nevertheless, I am confident that I have made a convincing duplicate of my hand.

Firefly Acrylic Painting

After toiling on this painting for around 5 weeks, I finally finished my firefly painting in early November. I am quite satisfied with how my bug turned out. The yellow flower stands out against the dark green background. My only critiques for myself pertains to the blending of colors in certain areas. Blending aside, I believe I did well on this project.

Moon Goddess Statue Whistle

When I first began working on this whistle, I decided I would reference the Moon Goddess statue in the animated series "Steven Universe." I used the Blue Bonnet glaze for the hair and a mixture of Lava Slate and Downright White for the base color. Additionally, I used Very Black for the face, which unfortunately melted in the kiln. The mouthpiece is found behind the woman, as it trails off from her bodice.

Calcifer Jar

This project had many obstacles to overcome, but it all worked out in the end. The first of many problems to occur was when stones began to fall off. The jar had begun to dry out over the weekend, making the application of stones difficult. After this painstaking process had finished, some areas unfortunately lacked a few stones after being fired. When the glazing of the jar was well underway, Calcifer, the fire, fell off the log he rests upon. Luckily, he was able to be reapplied to the log. Lastly, the clay pieces that made up the mouth and pupils fell off, due to their fragility, and were painted on instead. Overall, I'm okay with how the jar turned out, but it could have gone much better.

Aquatic Watercolor Painting

From the beginning, I was very excited to begin this project for a good number of reasons, mostly because of the eels in my picture, and I enjoyed doing this project. Over time, my water color ability became better and better the more I painted. The coral in the bottom left, in my opinion, was the peak of this painting. I am very pleased with how this painting turned out and I look forward to using watercolor in the future.

Spot the Differences

Over the course of this project, I had fun messing around with this picture I took near Pismo Beach. The most challenging part was flipping the rock because I had to edit the area around it and paste it into the layer via a roundabout way. The changes I ended up making were flipping a rock, erasing a cloud, enlarging a car, adding a tree, and changing the color of a cliff. Overall, I believe the final product turned out okay, but I wish I could have made my differences a little more noticeable if only the objects I changed weren't so pixelated.

Tell a 3D Story

At the beginning of this project, I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to choose to be the subject of this assignment. After gathering materials and thinking of how I would make it, I realized that this portion of my childhood would work best. Although the build was very time-consuming, I was able to expand my musical knowledge, due to my habit of listening to music while working on projects. Overall, recreating this story was a positive experience and a nice way to end this school year.