intro to art

Hand Drawing

This drawing took time and was difficult. This is the most time I have ever spent on a drawing. My favorite part is the shading. If I would have taken more time it would have turned out better.

Insect Drawing

This is my insect drawing, it is of a bee on a blue and white flower. I did this with acrylic paints and my favorite part was outlining it.


This is my grey jar with yellow sploshes on it. My favorite thing to do was work with clay. If I could I would make it a more interesting shape and design.


This is my bowl. I spent about 2 weeks making this. My favorite things to do on this were coming up with shapes and painting it.

Watercolor Painting

This watercolor painting was my first watercolor. I think I should have picked colors that go better together. I like the deep blue I made. I definitely think that this will get better with more practice.