Quincy's Art.

This is a pencil drawing of my hand holding a glue bottle. In doing this, I was a little bit stressed out because I had never drawn like this before, and this was my first encounter. I was really happy and proud of myself that I made this because I did not know I was capable of doing something like this.

This is a watercolor painting of a scuba diver. I was also very pleased with this painting because it was something kind of out of my comfort zone and I'm very happy with how this turned out.

This is a clay whistle that I made. I formed it into Perry the platypus, I really like the way it turned out and I defiantly am looking forward to working with clay again.

This is acrylic painting of a caterpillar on a stem. This painting took a long time to finish because I kept going over it. I really like the way this turned out.

This is a box made of copper and banana paper. The making of the copper was very difficult for me so it does not look that amazing. I really enjoyed making the box and I thought it was fun. I am excited to take this box home and use it. The copper says "faith can move mountains" from Matthew 17:20.