
Christmas Present

I made this clay jar in the shape of a Christmas present to give to my sister. I first made the shape then slowly molded it into the shape of a present. I then shaped the top to look like a ribbon. Then I painted it and had to be fired to make it to the final product.

Clay bowl

I made this bowl for my mom and painted it green because it is her favorite color. I started by warping the coils around the plastic bowl and then smoothing it out. I then fired it and decided to make the inside a neon green while on the outside I painted it a  forest green. I put to many lairs on the outside so it looks more black then green.

Angler Fish Clay Whistle

We got to choose an animal to base our whistle off of and I decided to make an angler fish. I started by making the basic shape of the fish then started to work on the finer details like the angler, teeth and eyes.  After that I had it fired then started to paint. I made the main body a royal blue, the angler yellow, the teeth and sclera of the eye white, and the pupal black. 

Water color painting (Basilosaurus)

The project was to make a water color sea creature and I chose to paint a prehistoric whale called the basilosaurus. I started by drawing out the outline of my animal and then made the background. Once I had finished I started adding layers of paint to my basilosaurus. After I was happy with how it looked I put it on the wall.