Intro To Studio Art

Line Drawing

This piece was very challenging for me and made me think out of the box. I worked the hardest on adding dimension to the bricks. My favorite part of the drawing is the plants. They were the quickest to color but add a fun touch to the full drawing. I had a very fun time make this and like the end result.

Tool Drawing

This drawing was super hard for me. It was very tedious and I am not a fan of tedious thing. I had an easier time drawing it than actually shading it. Shading was hard for me because my picture did not have very distinct shading. I had to stare at the picture for a long time to see the different shades of the shadows. Overall I am proud of myself for making this hard of a project.

Landscape Painting

I love painting so this was a fun project to create. My favotire part of this paining is the sky. I like how the clouds turned out. I like how the different shades of orange come together. I made sure to try and showcase the texture in the sky by dabbing the brush into the paper and not really blending. It only blended through the wet paint. Overall I love this landscpace painting of mine.

Clay Jar

This jar is what I like to call a nothing jar. I was sick the week making this so afterwards I had to rush it. I wish I could've added more designs. I really like the dark rich color the glaze produced. 

Clay Whistle

This is my clay whistle. I did not have a huge struggle to make sure it actally whistled. It was a quick and easy project for me to make. I do not really know how I will use this clay piece outside of this class though.

Clay Bowl

This is my finished clay bowl. This project was actually very fun for me and I enjoyed it. It was relaxing and overall one of my favorite things to make. I also love the color that I chose for the glazing. I am not sure what I will use the bowl for but I am happy with this project.

Oil Pastel Insect

This my oil pastel drawing of a ladybug. I had a lot of fun coming to class each day working on this drawing with Polett and my friends. I love ladybugs because they remind me of my cousin who passed away. This was a fun project and I like it the end result.

Water Color Sea Animal

This is my water color sea turtle. I chose the Analogous color palette picking blues and purples specifically. Water color is fun but very challenging. It is hard to work and blend when the colors dry quick. But overall was fun and I liked it.