
Self Portrait

This project was a rough but fun journey. At the beginning it wasn't hard, doing all of the little things, but moving into the bigger more detailed parts it became really hard. I took a lot of time and effort everyday just to finish. I think I could've done better now that I understand how to do it.

Food PAinting

This food painting was very fun and kinda hard to get the hang of. Once I started to get into the grove and figure out what to do it all started flowing. It did take a lot of time and effort but I am glad and happy with the result.

Animal Scratch Sketch

This project was a blast from the beginning and had such a great time trying to figure it out how to make the lines into an animal. I really liked this projected probably one of my favorites of the year and maybe the whole year not sure yet.

Colored Pencil Transportation Drawing

This was a very interesting and fun project. I enjoyed learning how to use color pencils correctly. Each day I made progress but the only hard part was the head lights.