3D Art

Personal Logo

My Logo was the first letter of my name, with the sides of baseball bats. I chose this design because softball is a big part of my life and the decorative Ivy represents my cat whose name is Ivy. This project taught me a lot about building and was a great introduction to 3D Art.

Foam Object

This was one of my favorite projects. It was very interesting to learn how to carve, a skill I thought I would never possess. This project really taught me how to uses certain tools to make different textures. I really enjoyed creating this book.

Pots and Mugs

I spun these pots and mugs on the pottery wheel. I have never before used a wheel so this was a very fun learning experience. I am very proud of how these turned out.

Raku Vase

I made this vase out of clay coils, this was my most tedious project of the year. It took about four months to complete but it was worth it. I enjoyed every step of this project.