Intro to Art

Creative Lines 9 squares

This was our first project in Art this school year. My class ended up picking the most difficult lines without knowing what this was for. In the beginning, I didn't know what I was gonna draw. But in the end, when I finished all the sea creatures I ended up loving it came together. 

Hand drawing

This is my hand drawing and I held a random knife for clay that I foudn in the art room. I found this project to be the most difficult one I have done this year. Just because the shading was a little complicated as well as trying to add value. My first attempt wasn't going the best so I brought it home. But then mistakenly my drawing got thrown away, so I had to start over. At first, I was really discouraged, but I enjoyed making a second one. The second time I did this hand drawing I had already had a lot of expierence making dots and lines. Therefore, I had a better time making this hand, and really enjoyed the end result of my drawing. 

Ladybug Insect Painting 

This is my insect painting, I chose to draw a ladybug on a leaf. I chose this ladybug because I admired all the different reds on the ladybug. I didn't think I would enjoy this project because I assumed it would be too difficult for me. But this ended up being my favorite project we've done in art. I loved the whole process of painting this. I also enjoyed mixing different reds to show shadows and contrast. In the background with different shades of greens and textures was also new but I loved doing.   

Cherry Clay Jar

This is my clay jar, I decided at the end to make cherries. At first, I had my mind set on making a strawberry clay jar. But after multiple tries of making a strawberry clay jar, it didn't end up working for. So ultimately I chose to make cherries, which I ended up loving. It didn't take long to make this jar and I loved painting it. It was very cool seeing it after it had been glazed and how bright and vibrant the colors had gotten. I had planned to use this as jewlery holder  but I accidentally dropped it and it broke.

Disco Ball Clay Whistle 

This is my whistle that I turned into a disco ball. I originally wanted to make my clay jar into a disco ball but that didn't end up working. So I took this opportunity of making a whistle to turn it into a disco ball instead. At first I got a knife and tried making each little square, but that didn't end up looking good. So me and someone else who was also making a disco ball went to Mr. Langmaack and he was able to buy us these little disco ball stickers. I really enjoyed putting these little squares on the whistle and loved the end product. 

Underwater Color  

I liked this project, I decided to change my underwater animal and start over to a turtle. I'm glad that I changed my watercolor because I really enjoyed painting the trutle and drawing all the small details. I've never water colored like this before and it was a struggle at first but towards the end I started understanding how to do it. Overall I enjoyed this project and learning how to do something new in Art Class. 


I really enjoyed this project, I really liked carving out the actual stamp. I enjoyed making my stamp exactly how I wanted it to look. I was nervous for the rest of my prints because I struggled with my black print. But I ended up making 4 colorful prints I really liked. I really enjoyed this project because I could pick what colors I wanted to use. I especially enjoyed using the newspaper and double printing. 

Foam Box 

I liked doing this project because I enjoyed be able to make your box your own. We could pink out what kind of paper print and metal and name we wanted to do which I liked about this project. I struggled with mesasurements a little bit. But in the end my box came together and I was very happy with the results.