3-D Art

My thoughts on this project.

It wasn't perfect, definitely hard for the amount of energy i put in this project. I was hopeful in the beginning but throughout the project I had to improvise rather than complete my whole image of this project. This project means many things to me and I hope for the people looking at it means many things to them too. In all I believed this was the hardest project I have ever worked on because it was the first time I committed myself to art. In the end it was worth it I get to look at something and cannot believe I made something better than a 2-D Stick figure.

This project for me was a pain. I should be greater with shapes but I am not, even though it was hard I believe it developed me into being creative without the use of a main idea. With the project only allowing 17 I did 25 which I am presuming already set me up to fail, but noticing how everyone would struggle helped me gain confidence in the project I was doing even if it didn't look good.

I enjoyed this project very much it taught me to be thankful for the small things in my life such as cheeze-its and to be satisfied with doing small things in life. That being said, I wished I did a more difficult project since I don't believed this project challenged me as much as it should have.