Intro to Art

Hand Drawing

My hand drawing was quite difficult. The hardest part of this drawing was shading the inner part of my hand. There were so many lights and darks in the same area, that it was hard to be exact. But by the end of my project, I couldn't have been more satisfied with the result.

Insect Painting

My insect painting took a lot of patience to complete. The hardest part about it was keeping the same color and getting certain paint on certain areas. But through all my painting struggles, I am satisfied with how it came out.

Clay Jar

My clay jar was really difficult for me. I don't really like working with clay so for me it wasn't my favorite. I did like shaping the turtles shell and head. The feet were really hard to get right because they not only didn't match, but they also kept falling off. But in the end I got a cute jar for my rings.

Clay Whistle

My clay whistle was definitely harder than my jar. Just getting the whistle to make noise was difficult. It took a lot of trial and error, but I eventually got it. The shaping of the Narwhal was difficult because it kept interfering with the whistle hole. The Narwhal's tail and horn also kept falling off.  It was frustrating but It worked out in the end.

Clay Bowl

My clay bowl was very satisfying in the beginning, but after I was gone for a whole week things got stressful. The hardest part of my bowl was the smoothing and glazing. I found it tedious to try and remember how many layers I already did of glaze. 

Water Color

My watercolor fish was the longest project to complete. The hardest part of this painting was getting the sketch of the coral down. I did enjoy layering the watercolor though.

Print Making

The print-making was one of my favorite projects. I loved carving out the rubber to make the stamp and getting creative with ways of printing. It was frustrating consistently having to clean and change out the ink. 

Spot the Difference 

 I went through so much pain with this project. I was really confident with my ideas on how to construct a pretty hard spot the difference. I kept making good progress and then it would not save and all get deleted. Luckily it wasn't hard to catch up. But this project definitely had me spiraling.

Paper Box

I made this paper box for my mom for mother's day. The hardest part was cutting the foam on the lines I measured. The measurements were a little off but it all worked out in the end.