
                                                CLAY JAR 

For this jar project I made it in an abnormal shape to make it different. I didn't really know where I was going with this jar but I let the creative side of me take control. I had stamped it with this stamper all over the jar. This was my first time making so something thing like this. Overall I think doing this project and making a jar was really fun I would totally do this again. 

water color painting 

I had really fun making this turtle made lots of mistakes. I had trouble with the different type of greens I had painted but overall it was a great experience. I learned how to paint different textures on the turtle and as you can see on the shell I had tried to make differnt shadowing and I took a little to long and then dried. 

                                         PRINT MAKING 

This print making project was defiantly a process. I have leaned many things including carving and being able to make different prints with the different color inks. Something I didn't like like about this project is having to wash the ink over and over again to put different ink colors. 

                                  CLAY WHISTLE 

This while project was actually really fun I enjoyed shaping the clay. I defiantly want to be at it though I like it. Something I would do differently is pro brolly be more patient with the whole process.. 

             BOX MAKING 

This project was overall really easy there was just a lot of steps to get it to what it looks like right now. I liked carving my name into the metal thing it was defiantly hard to do because you had to be careful that you do not poke through the other side of the thing piece of metal but it was really fin having to draw my name through that. something that I would do differnt is making tha paper a little tuiighter on the corners so that the box would look better.