Intro to Art

The Hammer

I liked that it looks like a hammer and hand. I wish that I could have taken more time to shade the hammer. I am very proud of this drawing

The Bug

This painting took a lot of time, and it was very hard. I am very happy with the outcome of this painting. I wish that it was less stressful, but overall, I am very content with this ladybug painting.

Lopsided Pot

This is my glazed clay pot. It was difficult making the pot even because the clay kept moving. It was still a fun project that I enjoyed.

Water Color

This is my water color project. Water coloring was hard for me, I got so close to the edges and then the color would leak into the other color. I haven't done water color since grade school so I wasn't used to it.

Functional Bowl

I made this blue clay bowl. It took a long time to make, but it was worth it. I like how it turned out, but, if i could go back, I wouldn't blend it as much as I did. Other than that I liked how it turned out.