Introduction to Studio Art

Lines project

During this project I learned how to incorporate 9 different lines that had no relation, into some sort of a picture. In this picture I was going for a space fight scene with spaceships and planets.

Hand drawing

This project I learned how to copy down a drawing exactly as I saw it. Mr. Langmaack had some tips and tricks to help us to copy the image to the "wrinkle" I learned a lot from this project and saw improvements in my drawing and valuing skills.

Insect Painting

In this project, I learned how to pain a picture of an insect and to give it some "drama" I chose the lady bug image because it was an insect and I liked the swirly branch that it was resting on. I liked this project and it was not all that difficult however it just took some time to get everything in the painting just like the picture.

clay bowl

In this project, I learned how to turn coils of clay into a bowl and personalized to my liking. I chose this pattern because I knew it would be simple but it would test my blending ability with the amount of coils on the bowl. I liked this project because it was our first clay project and I enjoy working with clay because it is a great example of someones imagination.

Clay jar

In this project I used my imagination create a jar. I created a burnt loaf of bread so I mixed together a light colored glaze of brown and a dark brown in the jar itself.

Clay whistle

In this project I made a clay whistle using the method Langmaack showed us. I learned something whistles when you split the air in a concealed spot.

under water water color

In this project I learned how to use water color to construct a background without stroking the paper with the brush. I also learned how to mix water colors together and how to properly paint with water color. I painted a clown-fish because I wanted to use a complimentary technique with the paint.

PhotoShop image

I thought it was fun to actually photo shop an images and be able to control what I wanted and did not want in my pictures.

3d Story

In my 3D project, I built a sled with me and my friend on a sled going down a hill. I chose this because it showed what I loved doing as a child in Michigan and during the winter time in general.