3D Art

Detailed Bowl

This project was very fun to make. I like the color I chose because even though it doesn't look as light in the picture, it's a really pretty light yellow. I love the fish design that I put at the bottom of my bowl and I also like the flower design I put at the top.

Pattern Tile

I like this project. What I didn't like was when we scraped the stuff because it sounded horrible and hurt my ears. But other than that I love how it turned out and I love the color I chose. This was one of my favorite projects to do.

Logo Project

This is my logo project. I'm not very proud of the front, but the back is my favorite. I like the stamps I made and the little hearts. It took a lot of time to make this, though. This was a fun project to make

Pottery Wheel

I loved doing this project it was probably my favorite one. I thought it was so fun to make the pots on the pottery wheel, and it was even more fun to see how it turned out after I painted it. I am very very proud of my pots and had so much fun during the project.

Realistic Animal

For my realistic animal, I chose an otter. This was my favorite project I have done so far. Otters are my favorite animal so making it was so much fun. I'm proud of how it turned out in the end as well.

Realistic Foam Project

I liked this foam project a lot, mostly because we were allowed to go to savemart to get the goods. I'm not very proud of my project, because it just looks bad in my opinion. But I had so much fun doing it.

Reed Lamp

This was a very difficult project. I had fun drilling and shaping the reeds, but the paper mache part was hard. My fairy lights also didn't work which sucked but thats okay because I had fun making the lamp.


This was a funny project because my first project I did upside down. I was a bit annoyed and made a smaller one instead and i tried to paint multiple colors over eachother but that also didn't work. But besides the painting part it was very fun.