Joey's Portfolio

I tried really hard on this project and I believe that I have done a great job. I actually had no idea I could do this. I also proves that even if you don't think you can do it, you can.

I really like this Project. It shows me what you can do with clay. There is so much that I did not know I could do. It has made me a better artist.

This showed me what sound can come from clay. It is amazing to create a whistle out of nothing. There was so much passion in this project. 

This was a very exiting painting. I really loved trying to create this art. It was something that I tried really hard to do.

I really loved this project and I spent I little more time than I would have like to but it is OK because it came out great. I really tried hard to create this and will be amazing to give to my mom.

I loved doing this project. I had a thrilling fun rooting tooting time. I put my heart and sole into this stick I really thought it looks good. It brung out the artist in me.

There was 5 picture that I had a fun time making and
I really like this amazing project. I btink I leanred a lot from this really cool project.