3D art

clay whistle

i really love elephants... so i did an elephant. i remember i had art 7th period so i took it to 8th period with me to take home and one of the tusks broke off and i was sad. but then i took it back to art and super glued it back and it was ok.

clay box

for my clay box i decided to model the top after the top of a heart and put heartbeats around the sides. it also has an unintentional cracked design in the clay from when i covered it in black paint for the heartbeats.


on the front of each plate i did one of my favorite countries...


...and on the back i painted the flag of the country

clay pot

on this project i used coils. i came in during finals and drank hot chocolate and finished it.

clay animal

meet jason. jason statham.

"I've got a pet cheetah down in my basement. I've raised him, and bathed him And named him Jason Statham. I've trained him to make me these beats. Now my pet cheetah's quicker in the studio than on his feet."

~twenty one pilots, pet cheetah

bowls + mugs

the wheel was the hardest thing for me. i had a hard time. it was difficult.