Intro to Studio Art

This is my combined lines project, we drew a bunch of lines, choose our favorite line, and then everybody decided on nine lines, and we arranged the lines randomly. We then had to make a picture out of it.

We had to take a picture of our holding a tool and draw it with pencil

I found an image of a caterpillar and I had to make it into a painting. His name is Gerald.

In this assignment we had to make a hollow ball of clay and attach a small rectangle of clay to it, and with we made a whistle from. Then we could decorate it and add to it however we wanted so I made the Master Chief from Halo

We made bowls out of coils of clay. I made mine look like a four pointed sun and then painted it yellow.

This my clay jar I made to look like the Stone Mask from the Japanese anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

This is my fish Gerald, I painted him with water color.

In this project we are taking a picture of God’s creation and changing it so that we can bring happiness to others

In this 3D story project we had to think of a story that happened to us in real life and make it out of items from around the house. My story is about a time at Hume Lake camps while waiting in line for the snowboards a kid asked me if I wanted to roll down the hill on the side with him and I accepted and we rolled down the hill.