Intro To art

Creative Lines

This is my creative lines art project, it is the very first one we did in the whole school year. It was a very interesting project and took a while to adjust the drawings with the lines I was given. It was hard trying to find the best drawings, but I did it. 

hand drawing

This is the second project in, Intro To Art this year. We took a picture of our hands holding a tool and copied it onto a piece of paper that is two times the size of the original photo. This project took a lot of time and dedication to get done. However, it was worth it when I realized the skills and the look of the project. 

Landscape Painting

I believe that this painting will be the hardest project this whole year. It was very hard because I couldn't erase anything, so instead I just painted over it. My inspiration was when I went to a national park and took pictures. It was really hard but I ended up liking the final product. 

Clay Jar

This is my Bible and it is a jar. I decided to paint it white because It represents purity. The hardest part of this project was the thought process and the brainstorming. This was my favorite project to do; it feels, looks, and shines well. 

Clay Bowel

This is my clay bowl and it took a while to make. I thought it was fun yet boring. It was fun to smooth and add the clay. However, thinking of more designs to put on it was boring. All in all, I believe that my bowl turned out great!

Clay Whistle

This is my clay whistle and I think this was the most fun project to do. It was really fun to make it whistle, paint the colors, and look at the final result. It made me happy because it was something I was looking forward to bring home. 

Pastel Painting

I believe that this was a hard assignment. This was difficult because you couldn't erase anything and it is hard to get details with something similar to a crayon.  However, I did manage to do well on it. The part that I enjoyed the most was doing the wings. 


I believe that watercolor is hard, but it was also really fun. The part that I found most entertaining was adding the different layers to the starfish. Although the starfish isn't good, I still believe that it looks great. 

Bird Prints

The bird printing was my favorite project to do, I loved to cut out the slab. Although it took a while to cut out the slab, I thought it was fun. However, the best part of this was the actual printing part. I liked to see the result and all of my work come together. My favorite print was the printover because it looks like it has a shadow. My second favorite was the banana print because I liked the red background with the black ink. 


The box project was not my favorite because of the materials it was made out of. It was very hard to use these materials to make this box. However, I believe it turned out great. I like the color scheme and how the name turned out. Overall, this was the last project of the year and I'm glad I ended the year with something good!