Self Portrait

I didn't have the best time making this self portrait, This is because it was difficult, and when i was almost done I got highlighter on it and it messed it up. But overall I am surprised with the outcome and did not know i was capable of creating this. 


I loved making this painting, it was a little challenging at first when i made it because i had to get a feel for the colors and how to work the paint but once i figured out how to add value and colors it was really fun and i enjoyed making this. 

Scratch Art  

This was a really fun yet frustrating project, This is my horse Gravy. I love the outcome of this project it just took forever. I don't think i will do this again but i love the results of this project. 

Water Color

This was one of my favorite art projects this year. It was fun yet challenging to do. It did make it to the art show, although it did not win anything i was still thankful to have it in the art show and have others see it. 

I loved doing this project, it was the easiest by far. It turned out so well, and this is my new favorite. Im so glad I got to be in this class and it has though my a lot on how to draw.