Ethan Lewis

Hand Drawing

This is my hand drawing. I struggled with the value of this piece but through that, I learned to take my time while working with art. When I saw the hammer in the bin of tools, I thought of Clash of Clans & which inspired me to draw with the builder's hammer. My goal for this was to draw a hammer that looked identical to the real thing & I achieved what a strived after. When others see this, I want them to think it's a real hammer, until they get closer and see the finer details. I love the detail on the hand and fingers, especially on the hand. This piece is my 1st step into the world, and It was a great one.

Insect Painting

This is my Insect Drawing. I picked the centipede because It's my favorite insect with its many legs and fake face on its butt. My goal was to pain an insect and I achieved that no more or less. I didn't quite understand the process of not blending the background, so I fixed it by dabbing my brush on the basic green with different shades of green and a few strokes of white. It was difficult to get the right shades of yellow on the centipede's legs and face with the lighting and all that. It turns out, adding a little bit of white onto the sunny spots helped. It was easy painting the border. I just had to find a really bright color that would contrast with my dark colors. This is my first bug painting and I hope it will be my last.

Clay Pyramid Jar

This is my clay jar but it's more like a clay pyramid. First, I constructed my pyramid out of clay only to take a string and pull it through the pyramid to create a top and bottom. Next, I glazed my pyramid with three layers of glazing paint then let it dry for a day. Then, I proceeded to paint my pyramid with 3 different colors. I should've painted a few more layers of black & red to hide the glazing. I was inspired to construct a pyramid because all of the good ideas/shapes were taken so I had to make due with what I had. I like how it turned out, but it will influence my future work by reminding me to paint all of my artwork no matter how long it takes.

Clay Whistle

Here is a picture of my clay whistle & to be honest, I'm disappointed in how it turned out. I was excited & struggling to make a whistle. It was an interesting concept that I wanted to finish, but I encountered a few problmes that required help from my fellow table members. First, My flap inside of the whistle wasn't aligned properly, so I got help to move it back into the right position. Next, I didn't know what color I should use, so I pick the tow colors I liked the most & the colors don't compliment each other at all. The whislte works in all, but the process I took to create it was inefficient, slopy, & poorly planned. I should've pay more attention to the videos I was provied & been mroe patient while building so I wouldn't have so many errors. In the end, I'm proud of my whistle even though it could've been more.

Clay Bowl

This is my clay bowl and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I started thinking it would turn out like my pyramid, just alright. Instead, It looks way better and bigger. I started by thinking of a pattern, so I went with sideways then perpendicular lines and a spiral in the center of it with a hole. I added the hole so you can put anything inside of my bowl except water. I don't like how some areas turned out since you can see some bits of clay I didn't glaze or some areas I didn't glaze three times so it's a different shade. This piece of art will remind me to keep more careful track of how many glaze coats I will put on so I won't get any more light spots. Overall, I'm happy with how my bowl turned out and I hope to carry this success to my next project.

Water Color Painting

This is my water coloring of a stingray & it turned out better than expected. It was difficult to master getting the background to look how it does and getting the right amount of layers, but I'm proud that I learned how. My goal was to create a stingray using complementary colors and I achieved that goal. I like how the stingray turned out, but I could never get the shadows right. Looking back, I should have taken more time to learn the proper method for shading, layering, and blending. Although, I'm happy about how my painting turned out.


This is a book filled with my prints of secretary birds, each different from the last. I started out by finding a good image of my bird & inserted the image into a photo editing website so I could change the image into a more basic design. Next, I carved that image into a rubber press so I could press the image onto the paper. Next, I decided on each pattern I would have for each different bird. Then, I rolled the right paint over the rubber, pressed down on the paper, made sure it turned out how I wanted, removed the rubber, cleaned off the paint from the rubber, waited for the image to dry, glued it into my book, and I repeated the process for all of my images and they all look incredible. In conclusion, It was fun starting this project, it was fun turning a regular photo into something beautiful, and it was fun to see the end result of good, hard work.

Spot The Difference

This is my altered Spot the Difference photo, and I got to say, this was my favorite & easiest assignment. It was easy for me to follow the instructions, especially since I pick a photo with lots of things to change. This project will go into a Spot the Difference book that will be sent to children waiting rooms at dentists so the kids can enjoy what we have created. My goal was to achieve a great Spot the Difference photo and I couldn't have been more proud.

Copper/Foam Box

This is my Copper/Foam Box and it was a challange to make. First, I had to measure the foam into the right sized rectangles, and I struggled a few times, but got it in the end. Next, I cut out the squares & procedded to glues a few sides onto the bottom. Then, I taped the sides down to the bottom so they wouldn't move & so the glue could dry. Then, I moved onto the other sides & did the same thing. Next, I got my paper of choice & glued it to the bottom of my box only to realize that my paper was upside-down, so I got a different shet of paper & glued the correct side to the box bottom. Then, & used scissors to cut the paper parts of the paper so it could fold up & into the box without any hanging edges & I glued it all in place. Finally, the lid. However, I was sick the last week of school so I had help completing my lid. I did enscribe my name onto the metel using a pencil & quilt. Overall, this was my last art project of freshman year & it was one of the best ones.